Sunday, August 19, 2012

Simple script to auto load css/js from webroot - CakePhp

This is very simple script to auto-load all css/js files from the default webroot/css, webroot/js folders.

Script isnt flexible and feel free to build on it and use it in your apps

App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
App::uses('File', 'Utility');

class AutoloadHelper extends AppHelper {
    var $helpers = array('Javascript', 'Html');
    function js()
    function css()

    private function walker( $subpath = "")
     $path = WWW_ROOT .$subpath;
     $dir = new Folder($path);
     $files = $dir->find('.*\.'. $subpath);
     foreach($files as $file)
      if($subpath == 'css')
       echo $this->Html->css($file);
       echo $this->Html->script($file);

in your layout

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