Sunday, August 19, 2012

Simple script to auto load css/js from webroot - CakePhp

This is very simple script to auto-load all css/js files from the default webroot/css, webroot/js folders.

Script isnt flexible and feel free to build on it and use it in your apps

App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
App::uses('File', 'Utility');

class AutoloadHelper extends AppHelper {
    var $helpers = array('Javascript', 'Html');
    function js()
    function css()

    private function walker( $subpath = "")
     $path = WWW_ROOT .$subpath;
     $dir = new Folder($path);
     $files = $dir->find('.*\.'. $subpath);
     foreach($files as $file)
      if($subpath == 'css')
       echo $this->Html->css($file);
       echo $this->Html->script($file);

in your layout

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Jquery UI autocomplete with Ajax / POST

Jquery UI has some great widgets, one of them is the autocomplete widget.
Default documentation will show you how to provide an array of tags as the source which to search from.
As useful as that is, we as developers mostly get our data from the server end, and this is one way send a request over ajax / post and get a list of results.

  source : function(request, response) 
    term : request.term
   }, function(data) 
   }, 'json');
  select : function(event, ui) 
   var selectedObj = ui.item;
   console.log( //selected id

On the server side simply construct an associative array and json encode it.

 $data = array( 
     "id" => 1, "value" => "Apple"
     ,"id" => 2, "value" => "Mango"
     ,"id" => 3, "value" => "Orange"
     ,"id" => 4, "value" => "Green Apple"

Sending additional data.

Some times you want to send more than just id and value pairs. In my most recent project I had a server side function that converted a given string to a SEO friendly URL format. you can put them in to the json array and access them with the array key name
 $data = array( 
     "id" => 1, "value" => "Apple" , "data" => "Fresh"
     ,"id" => 2, "value" => "Mango" , "data" => "Rotten"
     ,"id" => 3, "value" => "Orange" , "data" => "Rotten"
     ,"id" => 4, "value" => "Green Apple" , "data" => "Fresh"
 select : function(event, ui) 
  var selectedObj = ui.item;
  console.log( // fresh or rotten

Cakephp Model association on a non primary key

City -> belongsTo -> Country

id | name | country_code

id | name | code

Your city is linked to country through City.country_code = Country.code.
Now if you do the usual $belongsTo

public $belongsTo = array(
   'className'    => 'Country'

You'll find cake will join the models on PK fields
LEFT JOIN `db`.`countries` AS `Country` ON (`City`.`country_id` = `Country`.`id`)

To solve this use "condition"
public $belongsTo = array(

 'className'    => 'Country'
 ,'foreignKey' => false
 ,'conditions' => array('City.country_code = Country.code')

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Quick way to generate your DOB arrays

A quick way to generate arrays for DOB drop down fields

$days = array();
$mons = array();
$years = array();

$days = array();
$mons = array();
$years = array();

 $days[$i] = date("d", mktime(0, 0, 0,0, $i));

 $mons[$i] = date("M", mktime(0, 0, 0, $i));

 $years[$i] = $i;

Monday, March 5, 2012

Multi column layouts and floating , #jquery

Have you ever tried to have a dynamic multi column layout, and float the divs nicely under neither each other?
This morning I was tempting to dynamically build a 2 column  menu for a restaurant,  however  I couldn't get my left column divs to sit under the one above.

Jquery to the rescues,  Masonry is a simple, very easy to use plugin that will do this for you.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

CakePhp file upload plugin

After much, MUCH googling i found this awesome file upload plugin. It has a great thumbnail feature and some really good validation options.

However I found out you cant randomize the file name. (There is an option to randomize the folder it store the file in). After a bit of hack and slash i managed to append a random string 'time()' to file name.


//Line 78
private $rand_str;

//Line 87(inside the setup function)
$this->rand_str =  time();
//End of the beforeSave function
$model->data[$model->alias][$field] = $this->rand_str."_".

This will append the UNIX time stamp to the file you're uploading as well the file name stored in the table and all the thumbnails.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Cakephp & Smartyhost

I recently found out doesn't play well with cake Sessions.

'Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct'

A simple fix for this is to change the Sessions from php to cake

 Configure::write('Session', array(
  'defaults' => 'cake'

This will force Cake to use the /app/tmp path for Sessions instead of the Session path defined in smartyhost servers.