Friday, June 14, 2013

Installing CakePhp DebugKit on Croogo.

This is a method to install the default debugkit for cakephp in to the croogo cms.

Copy debug_kit to app/Plugin/DebugKit
Create these in app/Plugin/DebugKit
- DIR : Config
- File : app/Plugin/DebugKit\Config\plugin.json
- File : app/Plugin/DebugKit\Config\bootstrap.php

plugin.json (modify author details)
 "name": "DebugKit",
 "description": "DebugKit",

 "author": "Author Name",
 "authorEmail": "",
 "authorUrl": "",

 "dependencies": {
  "plugins": [

Croogo::hookComponent('*', 'DebugKit.Toolbar');

Activate DebugKit plugin Croogo Admin -> Extensions -> Plugins

Thanks to Rachman Chavik from CakePHP & Croogo IRC channel